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Güncelleme tarihi: 27 Eki 2023

Dost ülke Gürcistan ve ülkemiz arasındaki işbirliği her alanda olduğu gibi yüksek eğitim alanında da başarıyla devam ediyor. Yürütücülüğünü İKSAD Enstitüsü'nün kurduğu Science Georgia Platformu ile Gürcistan Üniversitelerinin dünyaya açılımını hedefliyoruz.

Science Georgia, the center for promoting scientific development of Georgian society, established by İKSAD and the association of universities of the Democratic Republic of Georgia celebrating 100th anniversary of Georgian Technical University. The GTU's centennial was amplifying the accomplishments and stories of the past 100 years to build support for the future discoveries and solutions. We express our sincere gratitude to the rector of GTU Prof. David Gurgenidze and his brilliant staff, all the participants from around the world.


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